You are in a damp and leaking room. In the room is a BED and a TABLE with a HAIRDRYER. On the floor there is a TRAFFIC CONE, a GARDEN HOSE, some JUGS OF WATER, a LADDER, a SCREWDRIVER, and a TEDDY BISON (WITHOUT HORNS). There is only one DOOR out of the room, but there is also a THICK WINDOW over the BED and two small VENTS.
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Is it a good idea that you've decided to retcon your own spouse into the story, Andrew?
That's not my wife, that's a witch! No, wait, it isn't, but it also isn't my spouse. I suppose any female being introduced would be quite a shock, but this character has been referenced before and has been in my "plan" for a while.
Climb the ladder and investigate the vents. Check out large, spidery crack above the table - can you chip it away with the screwdriver? Also, check the knob-less door - can you open it with the screwdriver somehow?
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